Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Overcome ???

This post is actually for my friend from Cambodia . I dedicated my writing in english just because to help her easy  understand and no need to make a wonder face  (>.<)  like this . [Dah la kekadang loghat Pantai Timurku tak terbendung, kesian awak yeppp...hahaha. Nasib lahh !] Hahaha. Just joke, I think her know Malay a lot, right ? Peace . ;)

Orait, I wish I can  give something. I know motivated genre is one of your favorite. You have to nevermind if my writing is so long, usually like this when my mood is coming. Ha ha ha. [Gelak jahat!] So, we probably noticed that it's hard to be motivated all the time. Same goes to me... no matter what we are working on or studying , there are bound to be days when we don't feel like showing up. There will be workouts that we don't feel like starting. There will be reports that we don't feel like writing. There will be responsibilities that we don't feel like handling. And there will be "off days" when our energy and emotions are in the gutter. I'm also always like this sometimes. Huh ! =.='

For me its also usefull when you're not feeling motivated. Cekedout !   
One needs to form the will to change this habit and take immediate steps to reach one's goal. Once your intention is sincere and you follow it up with consistent action, trusting in the Lord, success is guaranteed. Allah assures us in the Qur’an:

“And those who shall strive for Our Sake, We shall surely guide them unto Our ways.” (Al-`Ankabut: 69). 

While combating laziness, the first thing to do is to recognize that like all negative habits we have formed, it is a habit that we have acquired through consistent practice. We persist in it because we find comfort and gain pleasure in it. So we cannot be expected to get rid of it entirely unless and until we learn to link this habit with ugliness, pain and suffering rather than glamorizing it. So, list all the negative aspects and dire consequences associated with laziness. List everything you stand to lose if you were to persist in this habit. Do this as many times as possible until laziness becomes automatically associated with pain and suffering in your consciousness. 

Secondly, every time you have a tendency to feel lazy, take whatever steps you can immediately to counter the tendency and nip it in the bud. By doing these things consistently and repeatedly you will be empowered to overcome laziness. 

Here are a few more practical steps you can take to fight this all-pervasive habit: 

1. Think of and list all the successes you could achieve if you were to shake yourself free of this negative habit. 

2. Think of and meditate on the success stories of the great leaders who, through sheer determination, hard work, and trust in Allah, achieved what was thought to be impossible. Think of the success story of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) who, without hardly any material supports, did what no other person has done. Think of those who have been physically challenged and yet accomplished what others could not do through sheer determination and hard work. 

3. List all the positive strengths you have which, even the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) or those who have been physically challenged or those who achieved great feats, did not possess. 

4. Until such time that you have overcome laziness, it is important for you to associate with those who are successful or hard working. If you are a student, try to choose a study environment to read or study. Fight the temptation of studying at home until you have succeeded in mastering laziness. 

5. Last but not least, start your day by counting the blessings of Allah and thus focusing on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses; and pray to Allah to grant you a day of glory, blessings and success. You may consistently make the following du`a’s: 

Allahumma inni asbahtu minka fi ni`matin wa `afiyatin wa sitr fa atimma `alayya ni`mataka wa `afiyataka wa sitraka fi ad-dunya wa al-akhirah 
(O Allah! I enjoy this morning Your gift of blessings, well being, and protection, all because of Your sheer favor; so consummate these gifts for me in this world and the next). 
Allahumma inni as’aluka khayra hadha al-yawmi nasrahau wa fat-hahu wa barakatahu wa a`udhu bika min sharri hadha al-yawmi wa sharri ma ba`dahu 
(O Allah! I beg You to grant me the best that this day holds out in terms of success, victory, and blessings; and I seek refuge in You from the worst that this day holds out and the day after).” 


“The perfect remedy for procrastination is to nurture sound faith in the manner of the Salaf As-Salih (pious predecessors)."

Prior to Islam, they were a people without any sense of human achievement or performance, but once they were exposed to the empowering message of the Qur’an, they became energized and utterly transformed; they shook off their complacency and lethargy, and became peak performers and achievers. Whatever they touched was changed anew through their dynamic faith. 

The Qur’an spoke thus about their faith, “Is he - who was once dead and then We revived him (through the message of Islam) and thus We appointed for him a light whereby he walks among people - comparable to one who is steeped in darkness, never able to come out of it?” (Al-An`am: 122) 

The remedy for fighting procrastination, therefore, is to nurture such dynamic faith. Dont give up to change our bad habit , Allah always give us opportunity to back to 'fitrah'. Open your eyes sahabat.. Aja-aja fighting !!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Its also advice for me..

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